
Colors in the Tale of Genji



"Dictionary of Colors in the Tale of Genji"

[The Tale of Genji," which brings back to life the colors loved by Prince Hikaru Genji, depicts the beautiful costumes [kasane-no-irome] of the female and male characters in each story from the first book [Kiritsubo] to the 54th book [Yumeukibashi], which are told from various characters' perspectives as if they were competing with one another.

The richness and variety of the colors of the four seasons in Japan are described by having Murasaki Shikibu tell the story from the viewpoints of various characters. In his "Dictionary of Colors in the Tale of Genji" (published in 2008), the late dyeing artist Yukio Yoshioka carefully read the 54 chapters of the Tale of Genji, focusing on the colors and costumes mentioned in the story, and at the same time deciphering descriptions of dyeing and weaving and plant dyeing in the Engishiki, a collection of laws and regulations that summarized religious and administrative regulations for the court and temples and shrines in the Heian period. The book is a new edition of the Enkishiki, a collection of laws and ordinances that compiled religious and administrative regulations of the court, temples, and shrines of the Heian period (794-1185).

This newly re-edited edition contains all of the color illustrations from the 54 books that Yukio Yoshioka has carefully selected. The text has been excerpted with explanations of dyeing and color materials, and the entire text has been re-edited in a beautiful compact size with English text alongside the text.

[Quotations from "The Tale of Genji" are translated into English by Edward *Seidensticker. [What kind of costumes did the various characters in The Tale of Genji wear, and what kind of emotional transitions did they express in the layers of color? [This is a supplementary reader to enjoy The Tale of Genji with its rich colors.

*This book is based on the color dictionary of "The Tale of Genji" (written by Yukio Yoshioka, published by Shikosha), which went into its first printing in 2008, and has been reorganized and re-edited by citing dyed illustrations and some texts and materials.

B6 paper size (182mm x 257 mm) | language  Japanese and some english

publisher Seigensha

1 במלאי

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