אזל במלאי!

Dictionary of color combination



Contains 348 patterns of modern color schemes from the Taisho and early Showa periods.
A compact color scheme sample book brought back to life in the modern age!
[From the Taisho to the early Showa period, when the concept of "color schemes" was not generally recognized, this book was one of the first to focus on the need for color.
Sanzo Wada was one of the first to recognize the necessity of color and compiled the "Color Scheme Book" (6 volumes* since 1933).
It is a pioneer of color culture in Japan.
It was an epoch-making "color scheme sample book" that showed specific color scheme patterns.
This book is a reissue of the famous "Color Scheme Book" in a new*revised edition.
The color schemes included in this book are not only materials from the Taisho and Showa periods, but also have a universal sensibility that can be used even today.

A6 size / 352 pages

* 348 color schemes are included.
* All color tables include CMYK values and color chips.
* Ideal for color coordinators, interior design coordinators, and all other fields of research and practical use

 language : Japanese only (only color names in English)

publisher Seigensha

המלאי אזל

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